9:45am Bible Study
11:00am Worship Service
3:00pm Worship Service at
6:30am Men's Bible Study
at the Oregon Trail Restaurant
7:00am Men's Prayer Breakfast/Bible Study
at the Church
Statement Of Faith
A. Scriptures: We believe in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible contained in the Old and New Testaments as being the inspired Word of God; completely inerrant in their original writing, the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and life. We believe the Holy Spirit enlightens the believer regarding the true meaning of the Scriptures through diligent study using a literal-grammatical-historical method to discover the author's original intended meaning of the text.
For the purposes of this church's faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the Pastor and Church Elders have the final interpretive authority of the Bible's meaning and application.
B. GOD: We believe there is one living and true GOD, eternally existing in three (3) persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that these three (3) are one GOD, each being of the same essence and actively involved in creation and redemption.
1. GOD [the Father]: We believe GOD the Father is the Sovereign Creator and Controller of all things. He is infinitely perfect and is the Author and Sustainer of creation, providence, and redemption. He is Eternal, Infinite, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and yet personal; caring for and providing the needs and salvation of all people.
2. GOD [the Son]: We believe Jesus Christ is GOD come in the flesh, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin; born without a sin nature, and that He lived His life on earth without sin. He came to earth to accomplish redemption for mankind by dying on the cross as a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He was resurrected bodily from the grave, ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of GOD the Father; He is High Priest and Head of His church; He intercedes on behalf of His children; and He will personally and visibly return to earth a second time to establish His kingdom on earth.
3. GOD [the Holy Spirit]: We believe the Holy Spirit is working in this age to convict the lost and to regenerate, indwell, enlighten, comfort, and fill believers. He baptizes believers into the body of Christ at conversion when they repent of their sins and trust Jesus Christ as Savior. He empowers them to live obediently to GOD'S commands, gifts them to serve in His ministry, and seals them for redemption. He always glorifies Jesus Christ.
C. Satan: We believe in the existence of Satan, the prince and power of the air, the god of this world, who is the enemy of GOD and man and all that pertains to GOD, including the Church. He is a created being (an angel) who left his first estate and was cast out of heaven by GOD. He was judged and defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, yet he still seeks to supplant GOD and destroy mankind. His final end will come when he is cast into the lake of fire in everlasting judgement.
D. Man: We believe that GOD created man in His own image and likeness in order for mankind to glorify GOD and enjoy Him forever. Man, through a voluntary act of disobedience, fell into sin, and as a consequence of his sin, incurred not only physical death, but spiritual death, which is separation from GOD. All human beings are born with a sinful nature, separated from GOD, and this nature is unchangeable apart from divine grace provided by Jesus Christ alone. Every living person will face judgment; the unbeliever will be committed to eternal separation from God accompanied by conscious punishment in hell, while the believer will enter an eternal state of glorification in the presence of GOD.
We believe GOD alone has the right to determine each person's gender at conception (see Ps. 139:13-18). "Male" and "Female" are created by GOD biologically as He chooses and as each is born according to His plan, so they should remain all the days of their life upon earth. To reject one's biological sex is to reject GOD'S design, and this church does not nor cannot condone or participate in such actions.
E. Salvation: We believe that salvation consists (1) of being saved from the penalty and power of our sinful nature and sin, and (2) of being brought into a right relationship with GOD, resulting in the believer's assurance of salvation and eternal presence with GOD. This salvation is due to the grace of GOD and was purchased for us by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ; His physical burial and bodily resurrection; and visible, physical ascension into heaven. Salvation is wholly a work of GOD'S grace, apart from any human work or achievement. We believe all who receive Christ by faith are born of the Holy Spirit and become the children of GOD, and they compose the body of Christ, which is His true Church.
F. Future Things: We believe in the future return of Jesus Christ personally, bodily, and visibly to establish His kingdom, resurrect the dead, and execute the final judgment of all people, followed by the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.
G. Ordinances: We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has ordained two observances for His church; namely Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Communion). These observances are an outward and tangible demonstration of the saving grace of GOD through His Son Jesus Christ for the believer. These observances are not required for salvation, partially or wholly, of the participant. These are commanded by Christ to be observed by His Church and are given due place in the corporate practice and worship of GOD by His Church.
1. Baptism: The Bible portrays that baptism is normally the immersion of a believer in water, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It is a sign of new birth in Christ and should be done as an act of obedience to our Lord's command accompanying a profession of faith.
2. Communion: The bread and the cup are shared in communion according to scripture. We believe that the Lord's Supper is a commemoration of the Lord's death "till He comes", and it is to be practiced by believers as a proclamation of faith and a receiving of GOD'S grace.
H. Church Practices and Christian Lifestyle: We believe that all who profess Jesus as Savior and Lord should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach to their Savior and Lord Christ; or to cause others to stumble in their own Christian life.
1. All church practices and associated lifestyles are governed by the divine precepts contained in the complete Old and New Testaments of the Bible. This Principle is upheld by the law of the United States. ***
2. Marriage: The Bible teaches that marriage is to be between only one man and one woman as created at conception and born as male and female. This union is intended by GOD to be a lifelong covenant between the man and the woman. This Church forbids same-sex marriages, domestic partnerships, civil unions, or any other relationship outside of clear biblical teaching, as being unbiblical and therefore, ungodly.
3. Relationships: Sexual acts and sexual intimacy are reserved for and are appropriate only within the marriage relationship as defined above.
4. Life: We believe life begins at conception, and that human life is uniquely sacred for preborn through adult. GOD alone has the prerogative to give or to take human life from conception until death. Abortion is the taking of life which is contrary to biblical truth, and no form of abortion is condoned nor supported in any way by this church.
*** It must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered. The same is true of those who oppose same-sex marriage for other reasons.
576 U.S. Supreme Court (2015) Opinion of the Court, p. 27.
I. Ministry: We believe we are saved by the reconciliation unto GOD through Christ to live in the world as ambassadors for Christ. Every believer is commanded by GOD to proclaim the Good News of salvation by both word and deed for the purpose of "making disciples". Also, we are to minister to one another within the body as taught in the Word of GOD.
J. The Church: We believe the church to be a two-fold concept in the Bible:
1. The universal Church is made up of all believers in Christ. This Church, when completed, is the Body and Bride of Jesus Christ.
2. The local Church is a visible assembly made up of believers in Christ in a specific location that is part of the universal Church. As a local assembly, we are under solemn duty to maintain the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bond of peace as we demonstrate our love of Jesus and the living presence of the Holy Spirit.
K. Church Discipline: For members and those who regularly worship at McEwen Bible Fellowship, whose conduct or beliefs are contrary to biblical principles shall be disciplined according to the Scriptural principles of discipline (Matthew 18:15-17) for the sake of restoration of the individual and to maintain purity within the body
If mediation is required to settle a dispute or conflict, it shall be done in biblical fashion (1 Cor 6:1-7), Mediation will be conducted as described in the Bylaws (Article A.3).
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McEwen Bible Fellowship
15403 Sumpter Stage Highway
Baker City, Oregon 97814
United States
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